WRite step-by-step with screenshots in seconds

As you speak and click in your browser, Gluetrail generates step by step how to articles in your knowledge base.

WRite step-by-step with screenshots in seconds

As you speak and click in your browser, Gluetrail generates step by step how to articles in your knowledge base.

WRite step-by-step with screenshots in seconds

As you speak and click in your browser, Gluetrail generates step by step how to articles in your knowledge base.

WRite step-by-step with screenshots in seconds

As you speak and click in your browser, Gluetrail generates step by step how to articles in your knowledge base.

how to create step-by-step instructions with screenshots
how to create step-by-step instructions with screenshots
how to create step-by-step instructions with screenshots

With your voice and clicks/entries,
create step-by-step articles
10x faster